Yesterday was an ugly rainy day - followed by quite a storm in the evening.

However, it was a great day for eating on the cheap. Mike and Michelle took me with them to iHop for FREE pancakes (with a donation to Children's Miracle Network). I had a side of bacon and 1 scrambled egg and water (plus the pancakes) for a grand total of $3.00! That included tip. I donated $5.00 to charity and received my receipt for taxes (hey, every bit counts or at least I think it still does...haha! Who knows, after this administration gets done with us) along with a coupon for $5.00 off the next visit. I hear another FREE breakfast in my future.

After a couple of errands we hit up Jack In The Box for a FREE grilled sandwich with the purchase of a large drink. We hit up another one and both had lunch for the price of a drink. Nice!

When Mike got home from work needless to say we did it again for dinner! Can't pass up free food - well, I guess you could, but why?

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